Greenkit’s Drive to Offset Carbon

Our latest push to becoming carbon-neutral

  • Greenkit’s Drive to Offset Carbon

The problem

Greenkit is focused on being sustainable and looking after our environment. We’re always looking for new ways make a positive climate impact, particularly amidst the doom and gloom of 2020. Hiring out film lights involves transporting our products across the country to film-sets using our car and van. Wwant to avoid fossil-fuelled transport as much as possible, which is why we own a hybrid electric-powered car. Our next van will be an electric one as soon as the industry provides affordable versions for SMEs. 

The solution – offset carbon

In the meantimewe’ve decided to offset our emissions on our journey to becoming a carbon-neutral company. That’s why we’re joining the ‘Green Your Fleet’ initiative by Webfleet Solutions. First they estimate our annual CO2 emissions from both vehicles. This reveals how much annual pollution the journeys create. According to their estimates our transport produces 11613kg of CO2 per year. Through this initiative, Webfleet will offset our emissions by planting 30 trees. That will save 157,061 litres of water, regreen 7588m² of dry land and reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.  

Webfleet work in collaboration with Justdiggita charity focusing on landscape restoration projects in Africa, particularly the regreening of dry lands in Tanzania. The UN has calculated that around 2 billion hectares of degraded land can be returned to a productive state. This is and area almost twice the size of Europe. And much of this land is in Africa (as shown in the picture below taken from Justdiggit), where economic constraints make land restoration challenging. Justdiggit is restoring degraded land using traditional methods such as digging eroded land to restore soil fertility, regreen the site and thus improve productivity. Greener lands cool the planet so this is an important step. 

Therefore, when we saw the opportunity to contribute to this restoration we jumped at the chance. And although it is small-scale action, we believe that in the long-term it will be extremely beneficial in tackling global climate change. The video below summarises how our contribution will help. 

Also, if you haven’t already, check out the latest activism by Greenpeace. As part of their campaign to ban fossil-fuelled cars, they drove remote controlled cars into Downing Street carrying a message to the prime minister. There’s more than one way to make this point, and we hope our small contribution in offsetting emissions is another. 

  • Greenkit’s Drive to Offset Carbon

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